Keeping Baby Safe – 17 August 2020
Due to #COVID19 we are offering advice and support to LUTON families in a virtual small group session and includes a FREE child safety gift bag.
Our safety advisor offers top tips on how to make informed and safer choices when buying nursery equipment for your baby and you can learn important techniques on protecting your newborn in the early months of life.
You will have opportunity to ask our expert questions about nursery products that you are considering buying or maybe already using. We shall also talk about why the Tubes of Life programme is so important for you and your baby.
#TubesofLife #KeepingBabySafe
Complimentary Safety Gift Bag at the end of the session.
FREE to Luton families.
Booking only – suitable for pregnant or new parents (choice of session)
Session 1
For new parents with a baby aged between 0-4 months
From 11am to 12.30pm
Session 2
For parents-to-be at any stage of pregnancy
From 2 to 3.3opm
From 5 to 6.30pm
100% of previous attendees recommend this session facilitated by our professional child injury prevention officer.
TO BOOK or find out more…
Email: safeathome@luton.gov.uk
Full name
Full address including postcode
Contact telephone number
Baby’s Date of Birth or Estimated Due Date
And let us know which session you would be interested in.
Once your place is confirmed you will be sent a link to join the relevant online virtual group session.
Note: this session is not recorded and your data is stored securely in compliance with GDPR (see our Privacy Notice on our website: www.safeathomecip.org.uk)
Check out our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/safeathomecip/